Initially, when we said fees must fall, we meant that they must not increase because we can't even afford them as they are. They didn't, and we were like... why not free education? Let's protest! and then we are now protesting. I wish this was the case, but it's not.
The concept of free education doesn't belong to the students, it is both legislated and constitutional.The constitution of South Africa clearly states that everybody has a right to education and according to the freedom charter education must be free. Now all of this was promised to us, and then we appear as rebellious students when we are fighting for our rights. We attended the manifestos before the elections, they wrote us a cheque that says "free education" and all we are doing now is trying to exchange the cheque and it is bouncing, that's why students have every right to be angry.
I don't think we will get free education. We won't get free education because it's not a priority in this country, nobody sees the value it brings. First and foremost our leader is not educated he is just an artist, he thought to be a President was a title of honour but only to find out that it's a responsibility, he proved to be irresponsible thus far. As far as the FISQUS is concerned, tertiary education is not a priority. We buy guns(arms deal) so that we can be able to protect ourselves from world war 9. We spend millions of rands just for lunch in order to feed the puppets in parliament so that they can continue to entertain us.
And the machine guy(JZ) said he wants a new private jet now so that he won't get stuck again in a foreign land when he is going to seal deals for his children who are running corporates together with the Guptas in this country, not even to mention Nkandla. Lesotho is in the belly of South Africa and everybody who stays there works in South Africa when money is not even circulating amongst us how can we afford education, talking about the spider web doctrine proposed by the Nigerian Author.
Free education? Really? Did we forget that we have a little baby called Swaziland in which he keeps on coming to ask for lunchbox money?
Bloody Education
Stopping for a moment, why does an average academic textbook cost R800 with 200 pages whilst printing it only costs R80. Why are students paying for modules they will never apply in their live and careers (keep doing antiderivatives law students)? Why these extra, funny name modules? Does it really have to take four years to complete your degree? Who has set all this up?
The reason we don't afford education it's not that it's expensive, problem is that the prices have been inflated. Universities run on a capitalist system but have painted its walls with communism and socialism. How can you escape from such?
Still saying free education? Think again, South Africa can afford free education but the problem is that nobody wants to be transparent. We won't get free education until the Universities and the so called government are transparent about their accounting, wait...
We don't need universities in order to be educated, don't worry about validation Ernst and Young started not to look for degrees as a measure of being competent, they have paved a way for many companies including Cyber Geeks. It's either we will keep on begging the Universities to open so that we can get instructed or we can take it into our own hands and educate ourselves, but since that looks like it's miles away.... let the protest continue!
I highly recommend that you read my previous article if you want to know what education is.